The Professional Cloud Software
for Sourcing and Procurement
DIGITIZATION, Procurement management, e-Auctions
15 days free subscription *
The procurement digital Tool for
How Reverse e-AUCTIONS
help your Organization?
One of the most transparent and secure methods to carry out professional negotiations and achieve the most optimal results in your purchasing process, but sourcing only that you want.
Our proposal is about dedicated electronic auctions, only to invited participating suppliers, who present and improve their quotations in real time according to their strategy, and always respecting the previously agreed conditions.
Achieve the best results at the purchsaing negotiations with APTSE
Discover our PROPOSALS
With APTSE, you will find the solution that best suits your needs.
SAAS Subscription.
Get full access to APTSE by acquiring the pay-per-use service, that is, for a monthly or annual fee you will have all the APTSE functionalities to manage your reverse auctions.
“Software as a Service” SAAS.
What kind of e-Auction you can do?
Select the most appropiated for you negotiation.
3 Diferents
- The participants bid on-line in accordance with their quotations and according their strategy during a limited time duration.
Classic or english
- The price increases each defined short time, the winner is the first to accept.
- With a defined cost amount, the participant bids with a number of units offered for that amount.
Really, uncountless advantages.
IMPROVE your Purchasing prices.
The main advantage of a reverse e-Auction is the reduction of the purchase price, since it has been proved that sourcing projects carried out through dedicated e-Auctions improve results compared to traditional face-to-face negotiations, increasing the margin of purchase and optimizing the costs of any organization.
Are you a SUPPLIER?
WITHOUT changes in your usual process.
Our proposal does not replace a traditional negotiation but rather complements it, without the need to introduce changes and always working with the approved suppliers of your homologated panel. It is therefore a closed process that ensures the quality of purchases since only the buyer decides.
You DECIDE who participate.
REDUCE the negotiation time.
e-Auction is also one of the most efficient negotiation methods that exist, since in a reduced period of time, it allows to obtain the best quotation that each supplier can provide, without penalizing any other factor, reducing negotiation times.
EFFICIENT and truly negotiation.
Some FEATURES of APTSE online software.
APTSE is the perfect sotware platform for any purchasing process, being possible to launch a RFQ phase to the selected suppliers, exchange project files and finally carry out the final negotiation through e-Auction.
Simple, Easy and Intuitive.
- Multiple Setting Options.
- No needed to install software, Cloud service..
- Really simple for administrators and participants.
Manage your RF'x.
APTSE provides you the possibility of sharing files for the RFQ phase, so that the necessary files can be uploaded by the administrator so that suppliers can manage their offers in the phase prior to the e-Auction session. In the same way, participants can upload their files to be managed by the project administrator.
All the e-AUCTION settings.
Each e-Auction requires its configuration depending on the trading strategy. With APTSE you have multiple configuration options such as defining the starting price and whether the prices are visible, or simply showing the ranking. You can also configure several references within the same session or weight the price of one of your suppliers.
On-line contact with participants.
During the e-Auction session, there is the possibility of making communications between the client, participant, and administrator through chat. This tool allows solving doubts in real time that may arise during the session, as well as exchanging any information related to the session. Manage the session follow up.
Learn about some
1Sign in to APTSE.
And start to enjoy of all its advantages.
Create your projects for RF’x management and register the users, invite only to whom you want to participate.
Upload the RF’x documents as specifications, purchasing conditions, confidentiallity agreement….. , the invited users could see and download them.
The supplier could also upoload the quotations and proposals into their personal place on the project.
2 Start to manage your projects.
3Register the e-AUCTION sessions.
4 Set up the parameters.
Use the multiple e-Auction setting parameters.
What kind of e-Auction do you prefer? Classic, Dutch….. Your sourcing strategy has to match with the final negotiation process.
A right strategy in the configuration is key to achieve the best results.
Decide on the starting price, the minimum and maximum reductions, the information that the participants will see …….
5 Finishing the settings and GO.
Add the auction references, the articles, productos, services description… that is, for what the suppliers bid. And don’t forget to introduce extensions time in your event, they are truly important.
Once the auction settings has been completed, invite to the participants.
Some of our CUSTOMERS.
Reducción de Costes
Es una práctica habitual en las empresas, y necesaria, el analizar y optimizar los gastos existentes y mejorar así el rendimiento de las misma, con
Subasta Inversa para Máquina de Tratamiento de Gases
Exitosa subasta electrónica inversa, esta vez para una Máquina de Tratamiento de Gases para un cliente Industrial Multinacional con sede central en Alemania. Subasta Clásica
Últimos eventos e-Auction – Holanda
Otro de nuestros proyectos e-Auction de la semana pasada, con un resultado muy positivo. En este caso se trataba de negociar la venta del scrap
Get 15 days free test, or start to enjoy of all features with the subscription Initial 30.
Free Trial
Prueba APTSE durante 7 dias sin compromiso- 7 dias de activación gratuita.
- 1 Usuario Administrador
- Proyectos Ilimitados
- Subastas Ilimitadas
- Subastas Clásicas, Holandesas y Brasileñas.
- Gestión total de RFx
- Todas las opciones de configuración
- Autobidding.
- Limites de mínimo y máximo bid.
- Configuración de prorrogas.
Initial 30
30 dias de suscripción con todas las funcionalidades.- 1 Mes de suscripción total.
- 1 Usuario Administrador
- Proyectos Ilimitados
- Subastas Ilimitadas
- Subastas Clásicas, Holandesas y Brasileñas.
- Gestión total de RFx
- Todas las opciones de configuración
- Autobidding.
- Limites de mínimo y máximo bid.
- Configuración de prorrogas.
Do you have any other necessities and requirements?
Tell us about your what you need, we will find the best solution for you, since your own license for your organization to specific subscription plans.
Contact us and apply for your personalized demo.
We will contact you to schedule an active demonstration customized to your activity.
We will extend all the information you need and solve your doubts.