e-Auction for Waste Gaz Treatment Machine
Really very successfull reverse e-Auctions, on this case we managed the final negoatiation to get the final price of a Wast Gaz Treatment Machine for
Really very successfull reverse e-Auctions, on this case we managed the final negoatiation to get the final price of a Wast Gaz Treatment Machine for
One more of the lastest e-Auction proyects, with really interesting Results. On this proyect, we received from our customer the task to negotiation the sale
One more of the lastest e-Auction proyects, with really interesting Results. On this proyect, we received from our customer the task to negotiation the sales
APTSE es la plataforma online de gestión de Procesos de Compra, RFx y Subastas Online desarrollada por Gestplast Ingeniería Consulting, S.L., basada en nuestra experiencia de más de 15 años.
Gestplast Ingeniería Consulting, S.L.
C/ Cordón, nº 4 – Planta 3ª – Oficina C01
09004 Burgos.
Tel. 00 34 947 25 13 11
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Gestplast Ingeniería Consulting, S.L.